Ms. Kate

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There is nothing quite like a Friday in the summer to lift your spirits! Today I am sharing some fun things that have me coasting into the weekend and the summer season. 

First: one of my favorite songs has an awesome new cover!

Click here to check it out. 

I almost cried tears of joy when one of my friends sent me this earlier in the week. I, like any sensible person, can always get down to "Africa" by Toto. I mean, it is the pinnacle of early 1980's awesome-ness. Keyboard, guitar, some sweet hi-hat action, marimbas, and lyrics I am still not sure if I know or understand? Yes please! 

Well saddle up, because one of your favorite 1990's bands has released a cover. It is 100% awesome and does the original that we know and love justice. Check it out on Spotify. You will not be disappointed. If you see me in a bar that supports Touch Tunes you can be sure that t'was I who played Africa between 3-7 times. (Just ask Becky.)

Somehow the stars must be aligned over Africa because Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake performed their own hilarious take on "Africa" as well. So funny!

Second: summer tops! 

I mentioned previously that I always struggle to find sleeveless summer tops that are not just tanks that you would otherwise wear to the gym or to do yard work. While I did some father's day shopping online I also picked up a few things for myself. 

The top above was on sale! I bought it to wear with shorts for casual time, but it was nice enough to wear to work. I got a small, which is usually my go-to size, but I probably could have gotten an XS. It is slightly big but I don't really mind. I don’t need my work shirts to be skin tight like the unitards from Cats on Broadway. 

I also picked up this cute top! It’s in the photos above and below. I love, love, LOVE the back and the ruffles! It was also on sale and came in a bunch of different colors. It’s basically a regular tank dressed up with ruffles, which is perfect. 

Don’t worry, my legs are only looking tan because of self tanner. I reviewed my faves a while back. 

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Third: catching up on reading  

I was blazing through some books when it was snowy outside. I’ve been insanely busy at work and with the weather getting warm I feel like I just fall into bed these days.  

However, I have a beach vacation coming up and I am SO looking forward to finishing the Harry Potter book I’m reading and getting to some of the other books I have “on deck.” I am 100% open to any other good reads you have recommendations for.  

In the meantime I have one for you. Lilac Girls. This book is based on a true story and I just tossed it in my cart because it was similar to other books I had purchased from Amazon. WOW. It was a hard one to put down. You know how you look at the clock and it’s WAY past when you SHOULD have been asleep? This book was one of those.  

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I loved it so much that I immediately sent it to my sister. Sidebar: you know when you find something and you just want your sister to have it too? I love that feeling. (Hums " ... I know my sister like I know my own mind ..." 

I digress. Seriously though we are ready for the beach. The kids are so excited to see family and friends and to see the ocean, and I for one need a mental break. Which leads me to ...

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It is no secret that I am a type-A person. This usually means that I am packing an entire month before a vacation. I have lists, my lists have sub-lists, and I start to sort and organize piles weeks in advance. 

I am a little behind the eight ball this year with the end of school, dance concert, surgery, and just my business in general. I have all these photos of my neat and organized piles showing up in my Timehop from previous years and it reminds me how badly I am slacking this year. I am in desperate need of a massive Target run. 

I am super excited to finally get organized and start my packing assembly line. I just ordered and awesome beach bag, beach toy bag, and cooler from my Thirty One rep, and I am hoping it makes carrying ALL THE THINGS a little easier this year. 

One thing I cannot live without at the beach is our awesome Sport-brella. I was just talking with one of my friends about this and she had not heard of it. So many people in my "framily" have one that I did not even realize that folks out in the world did not know about them. 

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I got this when Madeline was a newborn (seven weeks old!) and I knew I would need her to nap on the beach if I was going to get any time relaxing on the beach. If not, I would have to drag her back to the house every other hour for a nap. That is no way to vacay. 

Baby Madeline sleeping blissfully under the Sport-brella

Anyhow, you can either use it as a regular umbrella OR by tethering the sides to the sand (as pictured above) and creating a wind and sun barrier. There are little zip windows with screens on the side to let the breeze blow through, or to zip up. I could not have gotten through that newborn year without it. Now we use it in the heat of the day, or to create some shade when one of the kids passes out from sheer beach-vacay-exhaustion. 

Also, if you have a young baby, I highly recommend taking some kind of bed that is like a rock and play down to the beach. We picked up a cheaper off brand one on Amazon (who needs the ocean sounds when you are at the actual ocean?!?) and fondly referred to the little bed above as Madeline's "taco." She spent a good eight days sleeping in that taco and her breastfeeding Mama got to relax on the beach while her baby napped! 

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I am here for your book recommendations and beach swag that you cannot live without! Let me know what I need to order in order to relax - haha.